About Cell Groups at ICA

Although Cell Groups had been in existence at ICA since its inception, during the 2005 Assessment…

What Is A Cell Based Church?

Becoming a cell-based church implies that the church reinvents itself into a community that fulfills…

The Superten Cell System

The particular model of cell groups that ICA has adopted is the “Superten” cell system.

ICA Ministry Pathway

All things being equal, every person at the ICA travels on the ministry pathway giving…

Membership In The ICA Community

Although within the contemporary culture, it is becoming increasingly evident that people don’t desire to be tied to membership standards of churches, associations or clubs, joining the ICA implies mutual accountability from both the individuals and body.

Membership In The ICA Community

Although within the contemporary culture, it is becoming increasingly evident that people don’t desire to be tied to membership standards of churches, associations or clubs, joining the ICA implies mutual accountability from both the individuals and body.


Cell Zones


Number of Cells


Meetings a Week


Chality Initiatives